Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gathering in Groups

Since the first day of our prosem class we have been gathering in groups of twenty, ten, fours, threes and twos to introduce ourselves and to talk about our goals. I ususally feel timid and uncomfortable around an unknown group of people. My tendency is to ramble on when talking to a unfamilar group. The more classes that I attend and particiapate in the more comfortable I feel speaking out. It's nice to see many of my classmates doing the same, taking initiave and talking more, approaching each other with ideas and questions.

1 comment:

HaH said...

I agree Karene. The 'sociliazing' part of the class is the hardest thing for me too, but it is getting easier with time, and it's helping out at work too.

We'll be old pro's at it by the end of the ProSems! :)