Sunday, October 14, 2007


My friend and her neighbor decided not to involve the zoning board when redoing her fence because she shook her neighbors hand and agreed to rebuild over the old fence. Her husband put up a new fence and her neighbors sharing the fence complimented the great job and then decide now they wanted to pay $1000 to clearly define the property lines. My friends ask for my oppinion, and I told her that before putting up the new fence I would of paid the money and did the zoning. I simply explained that I have a hard time trusting people, they might turn on you at any time and make your life difficult when given the opportunity.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Do you avoid them at all cost?
Do you go around them?
What purpose do they Serve?
Do they test your patience?
Are they a test from God?
Do they get on your nerves?
Do they keep you from reaching your destiny?
Are you prepared for them?
Do they turn your life upside down?
Do they keep you in a state of chaos?
How quickly do you recover from them?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I am thankful to be going to school
I am thankful for my apartment
I am thankful for my car
I am thankful for my job
I am thankful for my health
I am thankful to be leaving in the US
I am thankful to be alive
I am thankful for each day

Monday, October 1, 2007

Bitching session

It seems lately that the only to show empathy towards my co-workers at work is to join in the bitching sessions and sometimes I am not in the mood. You have to be quick, rude, bold, loud and if you can be funny even better when it comes to making negative comments, I don't want to cross that line sometimes because I feel that it will interfere with my productivity and work ethics. Where would the bitching session be without character assasination of another employee sometimes I cannot join in because I feel things will come back to hunt me. I try to give everybody a couple of breaks at least three, before jumping in the negative band wagon. Do to the fact that I am constantly changing jobs, I try to maintain a level of professional boundaries.